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Resolution Take Off (A Resolution Pact Short Story) Page 3

  “I guess I have my moments.” He pauses. “Ava, we can stand out here discussing just how smooth I am, or you can come inside for lunch. I’m very hungry, and I don’t like to eat alone.”

  “What if I have a boyfriend?” I ask.

  “You wouldn’t have come to this hotel with me if you did. You don’t look like that kind of girl to me.”

  “You’re right.” I push my shoulders back. “I’m not that kind of girl.”

  “Good. Now that we have that out of the way, how about I make this a little easier for you?” He leans in closer, then his lips brush mine, but only barely, like a whisper. He steps back with a raised eyebrow. “Tell me you feel nothing.”

  I touch my lips with my fingertips and lower my gaze so he won’t see what he has just done to me. With barely a kiss, he has pulled down my wall of resistance. My heart filled with the memory of his lips on mine, I don’t even feel like myself anymore. My body, not my mind, is now ruling my life.

  I look up again, my lips curling at the corners. “Carter, what are we having for lunch?”

  “Let’s find out.” He opens the door wider and I step inside, curious to find out how the story ends.

  What I know for sure when I join Carter at an elegantly laid table on a spacious, glass-enclosed balcony is that my parents would be horrified, and my sister would be proud.

  The meal of crab-stuffed lobster tail with green salad and freshly baked bread is delicious.

  Our conversation during the meal is light and easy and Carter hardly takes his eyes off me. I have a feeling he’s learning me by heart, in case today is all we have.

  “What are you thinking?” I dab my lips with a serviette.

  “That you are by far the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

  “I bet you say that to every woman you’re trying to impress.”

  He shakes his head. “I’ve come across many beautiful women in my life, but none of them have affected me this way. That’s the truth. I need to know more about you, Ava.” He lowers his fork and knife to the plate. “Who are you? And do you have a surname?”

  “Are you planning on stalking me?” I giggle, but I’m only half joking.

  “Maybe.” His smile is slow, captivating. “I’m kidding. It’s my heart that’s asking all the questions.”

  “Well then, my name is Ava Raine.”

  “Lovely to meet you, Ava Raine. I’m Carter Starr.”

  “Starr.” As soon as he says his name, a sudden thought drops into my mind. I push my chair back. “I’ll be right back. I need to use the bathroom.”

  “Sure. I’ll be waiting to hear more.”

  Inside the bathroom, I lock the door and send Jolene a quick email. In a few words, I tell her where I am—the exact address of the hotel—and who I am with. I also tell her that if I don’t contact her within six hours, something terrible has happened to me. I leave the bathroom before she responds.

  Better safe than sorry.

  “What else would you like to ask me?” I ask when I get back to the table.

  He leans back in his chair and holds my gaze. “I’d really like to know if I can kiss you again.”

  I kissed Carter again, full-blown this time. It was beautiful.

  Now we’re lying on a massive bed, side by side, staring up at the sleek teardrop-shaped crystal chandelier above us.

  His lips had been on mine when he’d brought me into the room, but when he lowered me onto the bed, he told me we don’t have to do anything I don’t want.

  “Take a power nap,” he says after a long silence. “You must be exhausted from the long wait at the airport.”

  I’m still shocked that he’s not trying to go further than the kiss. He seems content just to lie next to me.

  I can’t help but feel a tinge of disappointment, but I swallow it back down, reminding myself that I’m not that kind of girl. But if I’m not, what am I doing inside a hotel room with a man I only met a couple of hours ago?

  I close my eyes, but I can’t get myself to sleep. It feels too weird sleeping with him so close by. Even if we’re not touching, I can still feel the heat of his body seeping through my blouse and warming my skin.

  “Just close your eyes and let go,” he whispers.

  My breath catches in my throat when he turns to his side, puts an arm around my body, and shifts me closer to his.

  “What are you doing?” I squeeze my eyes shut. My body is on full alert, my pulse pounding at the base of my throat.

  “Just helping you fall asleep.” He tightens his arm around me, his breath warming my neck, sending shivers of pleasure skittering across my flesh.

  As awkward as this whole situation is, I can’t remember ever feeling this safe in the arms of a man. The atmosphere is romantic, especially on a rainy day.

  I fight the urge to move even closer, to bury my face into his chest, to better revel in the scent of his cologne.

  “I don’t think I can fall asleep this way,” I say.

  “What do you mean?” His voice is even deeper now. “Do you need a little more help?” He presses a kiss on my forehead, a simple kiss that makes me go crazy with need.

  The fire of desire swirls like a storm in the pit of my belly. It’s a sensation that’s too intense for me to recognize. I thought I knew what lust was. I guess I was wrong.

  Without a word, he uses a finger to tip my chin up so I can meet his eyes. We both know what’s about to happen, and I’m helpless to stop it.

  When his lips meet mine, I part my lips and allow the tip of his tongue to touch mine. On his tongue I taste the white chocolate strawberry truffles we ate after dinner. I’m enjoying the dessert all over again.

  Desperate for more, my hands sink into his silken hair. I pull him in for an even deeper kiss.

  A soft moan rumbles inside my throat and my senses spin out of control, making me light-headed as he dives deeper, claiming my mouth as though it belongs to him. Does it?

  I don’t stop him when his hand slips into my satin blouse. When his palm sweeps against my sensitized skin, my hard nipples push against the thin lace of my bra. It’s a good thing I wore my best bra and matching panties instead of the faded ones I wear on most days.

  He breaks the kiss and gazes into my eyes while rain tap-dances on the floor-length windows. “I want you so much, Ava. Please let me have you.” His voice is rough and raw with ecstasy.

  He nibbles on my earlobe before moving to my lips again. He doesn’t wait for an answer because he knows what it will be.

  Our lips only part again when we start tearing off each other’s clothes. In the process of getting my clothes out of the way, my favorite blouse loses a pearly button, but I don’t even care.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asks. “Tell me you want this as much as I do.”

  We’re both naked now, and he has already pulled a condom over himself. It’s a good thing he has one. I wouldn’t want anything to make me regret later what I’m about to do now.

  “I do.” He swallows my words with his lips as he kisses me again, harder than before, his tongue stroking, probing, and exploring my mouth. Every thrust of his tongue into my mouth makes my entire body vibrate.

  “Good,” he says against my lips. “Let’s create some fireworks.” He covers me with his body and sweeps the white linen sheets over us. They feel extremely cool against our heated bodies.

  I wrap my hands around his biceps and bite my lower lip, ready for takeoff.

  The moment his hands tighten around my waist I hold my breath.

  My mind tries to talk me out of making love to Carter, but I ignore it. It’s too late. I’m already filled with him in every sense of the word, my mind, my body, my soul. There’s no going back now. With him inside me, I’m forever changed.

  It takes only a few thrusts for me to adjust to him. Soon we find a rhythm that works for both of us. His deep thrusts push me toward the edge of the woman I used to know.

  “You feel like home, Ava.” He cups my a
ss with his hands and buries himself deeper into me.

  “Welcome home, Carter.” My words barely make sense because I’m panting so hard.

  “Well then, let me settle in.” He hardens even more inside me, forcing my inner walls to make space for him.

  “This is crazy,” I say, unexpected, but delicious laughter spills from my lips. “We are crazy.”

  “Crazy feels so good right now.” He joins in the laughter.

  The vibration of our combined laughter heightens our pleasure.

  As he moves faster and faster, our hips slamming into each other, our laughter is soon stolen by lust and replaced by moans and grunts.

  Just as an orgasm threatens to seize me, Carter flips me onto my stomach, then helps me to my hands and knees. Sweat drips from my forehead and makes my eyes sting.

  With a roar, he pistons into me from behind.

  As our bodies meet over and over again, his pubic hair caresses my sensitive skin, adding to the overwhelming sensations bursting through me.

  “It’s okay to let go, Ava. Come for me, baby.” Carter moves his hand to the front of my body and starts massaging my clit.

  He doesn’t need to tell me twice. I’m already too far gone.

  In one gulp, I fill my lungs with the scents of fabric softener, sex, and his cologne. My hands curl into fists around the slightly damp, crumpled sheets and I allow him to tip me over the edge.

  The first thought that comes to my mind as I climax, is that I’m finally flying and it’s beautiful.

  Deriving his own pleasure from watching me come, Carter follows right behind, his body jerking, his mouth releasing a raw groan with my name wrapped inside it.

  I can’t go back. After getting a taste of him, how will I ever be able to let him go?

  We had sex three times, and one of those times was with me pressed hard against the steamy tiles of the shower.

  “How are you feeling?” Carter asks as we lie side by side, drenched with sweat. “No regrets, I hope.”

  “No regrets.” I’m a little sore between the legs, but I’ve never felt happier. I’ve also never felt more attractive.

  “Good.” Carter presses a kiss to my forehead. “We did a lot of doing. How about we do a little talking now?”

  “I think that’s a good idea.” There’s still so much we don’t know about each other. “Who are you?” I ask, the same question he had asked me earlier.

  “As you already know, my name is Carter Starr. I’m thirty-seven years old.”

  I prop myself up onto an elbow and gaze into his handsome face. “What do you do for a living, Mr. Carter Starr?” I’m now desperate to know everything I can about this man who changed me in ways I never thought possible.

  “I’m a businessman, but also a pilot. I’m on a break, though.”

  “You’re a pilot?” My mouth falls open. “Wow! That’s really exciting.” I slide my lower lip between my teeth. “I wonder how you’d look in uniform.”

  “Maybe one day you’ll get to see me in one and tell me what you think.” He brings a hand to my cheek. “Why are you flying to Greece all by yourself?” I have a feeling he’s changing the conversation to avoid more questions from me.

  “I needed some time away.” Unable to hold back, I find myself telling him what happened on New Year’s Eve, how I quit my job and took off.

  “That’s a very brave thing to do,” he says when I’m done.

  “And very scary. Especially since I’m terrified of flying.” I flop back onto the pillows. “Thank you for helping me out during the flight. It was really sweet of you.”

  “Don’t mention it.” He reaches for my hand and kisses my palm. “It was my pleasure to get rid of your fears.”

  “You know something funny?” I ask. “I’ve always dreamed of being a flight attendant.” I pause, expecting him to laugh. How could a person who is terrified of flying want to do a job that keeps her in the sky?

  “It’s never too late.” Carter turns my face to him. His eyes have grown serious. “The fear of flying can be overcome just like many other fears. As a kid I used to be afraid of flying too. But my father was a pilot, and after flying with him several times, it just went away. That’s when I discovered that I wanted to be a pilot just like him.”

  “I love that story,” I say, touched that he shared it with me. “I hope it will happen for me one day.”

  “It will. Just don’t allow the little bumps in the sky to scare you off.” He pauses to weave his fingers through mine. “I’m sorry you lost your job. But I’m happy you ran into my arms.”

  “Yeah, me too.” His words and the way he says them cause butterflies to erupt in my belly.

  Is he telling me that he wants me for more than a day? I know without a doubt that I want him in my life for longer. I don’t even care anymore if I miss my flight to Greece.

  But not long ago, Carter had insisted that we check the updates online. I have two more hours left before I get back on the plane and leave him behind.

  “Can I ask you a question?” he asks.

  “Of course.” I run my hand down the side of his naked body.

  “Do you believe in love at first sight?”

  Before I can answer, his phone vibrates from the bedside table. He glances at it, but doesn’t make a move to pick it up.

  “Maybe it’s important,” I say. “You should answer it.”

  He narrows his eyes. “Are you sure?”

  “Of course. I need to take a shower anyway.” I swing my legs out of bed and get to my feet. He grabs hold of my hand and pulls me back for a kiss.

  “Now answer the damn phone.” I ruffle his already rumpled hair and step away.

  Inside the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror, I’m amazed at just how different I feel and look. I push my hands into my hair and strike a pose. I feel so grown up and sexy.

  After my quick shower, I return to the bedroom, happy, refreshed, and excited to see Carter again.

  I’m surprised not to find him in the room. But his voice is coming through the closed door. He must be in the living room.

  I don’t know why I do it, but I find myself tiptoeing toward the door and pressing my ear against it. The first words that reach me send a ball of shock slamming into my gut.

  I reel back as though someone has slapped me hard across the face. My head is spinning so fast that black dots appear in front of my eyes.

  “I don’t want to postpone our wedding,” he said. “We’ll talk when I get back.”

  I don’t need to be a genius to know that he’s talking to another woman. As I grab my clothes and start to get dressed, I feel foolish. How could I have been so careless? Why did I not ask if he’s in a relationship? I could have walked away before I got in too deep.

  But it’s okay. I made my bed. Now it’s time to lie in it. I’ll walk away from Carter Starr without a backward glance.

  I’ve just finished dressing when he walks back into the room. He’s smiling, but when he sees my face, the smile disappears.

  “What happened, baby?” A cloud sweeps across his features. “You look upset.”

  “What happened?” I meet his gaze head on. “Well, I guess reality just hit me hard.”

  “What do you mean?” He takes a few steps toward me, but I move out of his reach. “Ava, what’s going on?”

  I grab my bag from a chair and push past him. Inside the living room, I whirl around to face him. “Before you had sex with me, you forgot to mention one very important detail. That you are engaged.”

  Color drains from his face, and that’s all the confirmation I need to run as fast as I can from him. There’s nothing left to say.

  Ignoring his pleas to explain, I run out of the hotel and take a cab to the airport.

  Carter and I were good while we lasted, but we had an expiration date.

  At the airport, I spend the rest of the time in the bathroom, in case he decided to follow me. Once the time comes for me to leave Frankfurt, I make it through t
he gate without spotting him.

  A sigh of relief and regret bursts from me as I settle into my seat in economy.

  Fear grips me and my stomach turns when the plane lifts into the sky, but my fears are overridden by the disgust I feel at myself for what I did. I spend most of the flight biting back tears and wishing I could turn back the clock to undo what has been done.

  I manage to get through the almost three-hour flight to Athens without screaming during every turbulence.

  After we land, I wait impatiently for the old man sitting next to me to get up. But he seems to want to wait for everyone to leave the plane first. It doesn’t matter. I’m here on vacation anyway.

  I close my eyes and lean my head on the headrest.

  The man finally stands up, but before I can get to my feet, someone else slips into the free seat.

  My breath catches in my throat when I see who it is. It’s Carter wearing a professionally tailored black jacket with gold-embossed crown emblem buttons, his hair tucked away underneath a black pilot cap with a gold braid.

  “Are you stalking me?” I ask, the back of my throat aching. What is he doing here? What if he’s dangerous?

  “I wouldn’t call it that,” he says. “I was the co-pilot. It was a last-minute decision. I just couldn’t let you go.” He makes a move to touch my hand, but changes his mind. “You left before I could explain everything.”

  I shake my head. “What’s there to explain? You cheated on your fiancée and you made me a part of it.”

  “No. She cheated on me with my best friend, on our wedding day.” He pulls in a breath. “She called me at the hotel because she wanted to apologize.”

  “You really think I’m stupid? I overheard your conversation, Carter. You told her you don’t want to postpone your wedding.”

  “Then I guess you didn’t listen long enough.” He rubs the side of his face. “I told her I don’t just want to postpone the wedding. I want to call it off for good. I told her it was over before I left New York. I want her out of my life, but she’s refusing to let go.”

  “How do I know you’re telling me the truth?” I glance out the window at the other passengers leaving the plane. “I don’t even know you.”